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Practical Bug Bounty Mastery | Real Life Targets, Techniques and Exploitation​

Courses > Bug Bounty Mastery 


Language : English
Course Duration : 5 weeks
Skill Level : Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Certificate : On Completion

original price ₹15,000
36% Discount

Course Description

Various organisations, websites and companies holds up programs where ethical hackers from all over the world can report security vulnerabilities and in return get acknowledged by the site either via an appreciation or via monetary rewards(bounty) based on its responsible disclosure policy.

How will bug bounty be helpful for me?

This depends on your goal. If your target is to earn good right from home as well as to build up a career in cybersecurity then yes!
CyberSecurity is a domain that has been increasing its growth rapidly over the past few years and has marked its growth exponentially with the onset of 2020.
Since you are reading this, you have already realized by now that organizations are in dire need of skilled ethical hackers who can not only defend their organization but also has a creative mind to defend the organization from future attacks.

At present, there is a massive gap between the ongoing demand and supply of Ethical Hackers, especially in India. India requires nearly 2 million ethical hackers by 2025. This brings a huge scope for fresh minds to build up a steady career with constant growth and a high paying salary.

Bug Bounty hits up the key factor of skills, creativity and practical experience in the Cyber Security domain. Quality matters over quantity. Bug bounty ensures that.
An average bug hunter earns over 1-1.5 lakhs per month straight by reporting bugs right from home. Bug Hunting not only gives you good cash but also showcases your talent and skills to the job recruiters who look for skilled ethical hackers to join their company.

We at AbnerSecurity firmly believe in quality and creativity. And that is the key factor on which the entire Bug Bounty training is based on.
AbnerSecurity helps up students to get their hands onto their first bounty in the least time through real-life practical demonstration on Live Websites over the Internet.

Who should join this course?

Our course is mainly focused at freshers who want to build up their Bug Bounty skills and set their careers in CyberSecurity.

Neither do I have a technical knowledge nor am I from a technical background, what should I do and is there any eligibility criterias ?

You do not need any prior technical knowledge to join the course, for things will be covered right from the very basics to an intermediate level. What you need instead is a strong determination and a zeal of interest on learning something new. And yes, a good Internet Connection. If you have these, you are completely eligible to join our course.

What do we Promise ?

Our course has been specially designed for new comers as in the field of Bug Hunting as well as for newcomers in Cyber Security and ensures that you hit your first bounty in the least time and start up their field.

How is our course different from others ?

If you are here, you already know there are a lot of courses out there in the internet that teaches Bug Hunting. What makes us different is we focus on Real Life Exploitation rather than REEL life exploitation. All demonstrations are showed on real-life targets in live websites, rather than same age-old labs or CTF’s. Labs and CTF give you a basic knowledge but in real life, exploitation happens much differently with various scenarios. We focus on getting out Students’ real-life exploitation knowledge through which actual Bounties can be earned.

Moreover, in Bug Bounties, creativity and approach are the 2 factors that actually matters. Our experienced instructors here at Abnersecurity focuses on those key areas. You will get to know their private methodologies and various creative approaches and exploitation techniques that no other courses will teach. 

We Aim at building a bigger community, and quality and achievement of our students is the key factor that we target.

You can get the full details along with the course module here

Course Modules

(click above for the course modules)

What you will take away:

  • Detailed and Practical knowledge in Web Application Pentesting and Bug Bounty

  • Certificate upon Course Completion

  • Certificate of achievement(only to 2 outstanding performers on the basis of Practical Internal Assessment)

  • Hall Of Fames and Bounties, with assurity of at least 2 valid Bug Submissions during the Course.

What You'll learn


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